Our Spring 2014 Au Pair Paris Luncheon

Our Spring 2014 Au Pair Paris Luncheon

Our Au Pair Paris Luncheon two Sundays ago was an opportunity for us all to get together, re-introduce ourselves and meet au pairs who recently arrived in Paris. I arrived a few days earlier to take in as much art as possible (our favorite was the “Paris 1900 World’s Fair” show at the Petit Palais) and meet individually with some au pairs.

We had great weather and good food and talked about the au pair experience in general and about specific experiences. We also went around and asked our “seasoned” au pairs what advice they would give to an incoming au pair (next article!). It was great to see how many friendships and travel companions have been created among this terrific group.

What always amazes me is how far everyone has come with their French language skills. At our September gathering, only Sylvie spoke French. At last Sunday’s lunch, until we digressed, most everyone was able to converse in French!

It was great being there, and in the end, we left to enjoy a beautiful spring Sunday in Paris.