5 Tips for New Au Pairs

5 Tips for New Au Pairs

We asked au pairs at our recent Au Pair Paris gathering to offer tips to new incoming au pairs. Here’s what they had to say.

1. Make a list beforehand of all the various things you would like to accomplish. This can range from becoming fluent in French to visiting every small museum in Paris to establishing strong ties with your host family.

2.If your host family has had previous au pairs, ask them for a letter from their au pair. It might include things that the parents don’t think to mention or ideas for activities that the children enjoy or tips about the neighborhood. If they have not had a former au pair you might ask them to write something themselves describing their children’s interests, games/activities they enjoy and places they like to go.

3. If possible arrive at least a few days before school begins to get acquainted with your new surroundings. If you don’t know Paris it can be difficult to find your way around so study its geography and study metro maps. The first few weeks can be hard and move slowly but you’ll see when you give it a chance how well things will work out. Get out and explore areas of Paris you do not know.

4. Find people with whom you can talk to and share activities with [Au Pair Paris arranges small group information sessions beginning the second week of September, and our next full gathering will take place the beginning of October]. Keep yourself occupied: jog, join groups, do an internship with a chef, find meet-up groups to help with your French conversation.

5. Make an effort to get to know your host family. Ask them questions. Don’t be shy about this; they appreciate your interest. Start out by being generous and if it isn’t reciprocal be specific with your needs (or call Susan or Sylvie!).