Checklist of au pair paperwork to bring with you to Paris

Checklist of au pair paperwork to bring with you to Paris

Here is a list of paperwork items that you need to take with you to France. Once you arrive, we’ll go over the specifics in our small group meetings!

Passport with visa
Original Birth Certificate
Original Apostille (unless you were born in the EU)
Original pre-enrollment form
Original Accord/Contract
Diploma (a copy is fine)
OFFI form partially filled out, must have stamp from your Consul office
Additional Passport Photos (for OFFI, travel pass, health insurance/sécurité sociale)
Drivers license (if you are planning to do any driving, or simply as an extra ID)

In addition, these items might be helpful:
Cellphone number of your host family; if you arrive without a working phone, most French people will understand if you ask to make a call that’s urgent from their phone!
Euros for when you first arrive
A credit card that does not charge extra for international transactions

Also, be sure that your visa gets stamped with a date of entry at passport control when you first arrive in the EU, whether you enter in France or through another EU country.

Au Pair Paris