Ask an Au Pair: Tyler goes off the beaten path and strikes up a French conversation

Ask an Au Pair: Tyler goes off the beaten path and strikes up a French conversation

This week, we asked Tyler, a 23-year old from Florida. He is living with his host family in Bois-Colombes, just outside of Paris. Here are excerpts from his responses:

What inspires you about Paris?
The wealth of historical and cultural landmarks here. I also love all the opportunities to perfect my French.

What do you dislike most about living in Paris?
That’s a hard one! I’d have to say that it’s always frustrating when everything seems to be closed on Sundays.

What is the best way to meet Parisians?
The best way to meet Parisians is to go off the beaten path and not be afraid to strike up a conversation.

How do you improve or master your French language skills?
Read! It helps so much in expanding vocabulary and in encouraging you to think only in a French. Also try and watch movies and TV shows in French. It’s just absolutely essential that you avoid speaking English as much as you possibly can (which is no easy to task, but you’d be surprised at how fast immersion works.)

What is the best meal you’ve had in Paris?
Almost all of my best meals have been with my host family; they’re pretty great cooks and have a flair for exotic dishes.

What is your favorite neighborhood?
Odeon/ St. Michel. It has a great “college-town” vibe to it.

What is your favorite café?
I think one of my favorites is a quaint Irish pub in Odeon called Le Mazet.

What is your favorite museum?
I’d have to say Versailles. Nothing can compare to the sense of grandeur that Louis XIV evoked so well there. I also find Musee D’Orsay and Centre Pompidou to both be amazing.

What is your favorite secret Paris spot?
I personally love to go ice skating in front of Hotel de Ville.

What advice would you give to incoming au pairs?
My best advice is to be completely open to the experience. Remember that moving to a foreign country is a process and that there’s going to be good days and bad days. Set clear goals for what you want out of the experience.